Mr. Parvez Pestonji is ICF Certified Coach. Mr. Parvez, along with other international ICF certified coach, Mr. Beh Koh is going to conduct ICF Certified Coaching Program at Mumbai. The program is scheduled on 11th -14th December 2012. Register Today!

ICF Certified Coach
ICF Certified Coach

Defining Coaching:

Coaching is a partnership between a coach and an individual (client). The coach supports the achievement of results, based on the goals and objectives set by the individual.

The client always chooses the focus of the ‘conversation’, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions as well as concepts and principles which can assist in generating possibilities, potential and actions. Coaching can be seen as a collaborative process in which clients discover answers for themselves through the coach’s use of questions. Through the coaching process the clarity that is needed to support the most effective actions is achieved.

Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and to customize their approach to individual client needs. They seek to elicit solutions and strategies from the client; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful.

Coaching presupposes that it is not the coach’s responsibility to ‘fix’ the client. Nor is it the job of the coach to direct the client to any given way forward. The coach lives by the motto that every client presents his or herself to the coach whole and complete, able to generate his or her own perfect answers.

The client is an expert on themselves and the skill of the coach, and their role, is in allowing the person to come up with their own solutions. This doesn’t mean that the coach brings nothing to the relationship – they have knowledge based theory, methods, exercises and questions that help the person move forward. Nevertheless, the coach’s skills are based around processes, not solutions.

In essence, coaching has two main facets. First it is performance focused, which means it is concerned with helping individuals perform tasks to the best of their ability. Second, it is person-centered, which means that the individuals being coached are seen to have the important insights.

Coaching Is:

  • An equal partnership of trust between the coach and the person being coached;
  • Involves ‘conversation’ rather than advice giving, discipline, or therapy;
  • Built on client accountability;
  • Results orientated;
  • Is a fairly short-term activity and time bound?
  • Consists of one-to-one developmental discussions or whole team/group sessions in team/group coaching – these can take place face-to-face, or over the telephone and can be supported by online interaction;
  • Focuses on improving performance and/or developing/enhancing individuals’ skills
  • Works on the belief that clients are self-aware and do not require a clinical intervention;
  • Focuses on current and future performance/behavior rather than the past
  • A skilled activity.

As a client of coaching you will …

  • Take time to remember what inspires you and brings you joy
  • Renew your spirit
  • Clarify your values, strengths, skills, and interests
  • Develop your specific and measurable goal(s)
  • Be held accountable for the weekly steps you commit to take
  • To reach your goal
  • Be listened to, encouraged, challenged, and supported
  • Keeping your goal in mind, coaching takes you through a series of questions and exercises which will help you develop clarity and encourage you to create the kind of life that will ultimately lead to more satisfaction and joy.

Coaching Versus Counseling:

Coaching will help you clarify and prioritize your values, strengths, skills, and interests as they relate to your goal. While coaching can involve dealing with emotions during the process, that is not the focus. Unlike psychotherapy or counseling the focus is on specific measurable goals that you want to achieve and what steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Deep-seated emotional traumas or emotional issues in the present and past are best dealt with in a setting with a licensed therapist.


ICF Certified Coach
ICF Certified Coach

Mr. Parvez Pestonji is ICF Certified Coach. Mr. Parvez, along with other international ICF certified coach, Mr. Beh Koh is going to conduct ICF Certified Coaching Program at Mumbai. The program is scheduled on 11th -14th December 2012. Register Today!

