Online entrance-exam Management for InstituteOnline entrance-exam Management for Institute

Top education institutes get many applications for some of the popular programs . Important thing to note that such institute looks for differentiation or how student is able to differentiate from other common applications.

1.Extra Curricular: Is student has done apart from regular routine study to learn other aspects of team building, leadership. How significant are those achievements, is there some common things among those extracurricular activities.

2.Academic Record: Is there are consistency in the academic record of the student ? Are there any failures in the academics? Failures should not be treated negative by the students but student should be able to explain learning from such failure. If student is able to explain failure in positive manner then it might not be treated as negative aspect.

3.Career Goal: While applying to the education institute, all the easy, questions should be answered with the career goal in the mind. Student should be able to convey how strong his/her aspiration in the career and it should be long term and should not focus on short term aspects.

4.Focus in Unique quality and practical life experience: Student should be able to showcase something unique about him/her. It is important to get noticed among thousands of applications.

5.Work Experience: If student has work experience then it should be portrayed according to your career aspiration and how you would like to upgrade by education. This section is important for higher education.

Usage of technology is crucial for the institute to shortlist candidates out of thousands of applications. Manual forms processing, documents analysis should be reduced with technology usage in admissions and pre admission process. Our focus is on usage of technology is simplification of such process. Students would find it easy to apply using electronic format and institute would be able to identify right candidates easily. Online Admission Platform Online Admission Platform is an award winning Online Marketplace for Education currently used by 100+ Institutes, universities, schools, publishers across India. Institute can register on as marketplace, define courses and start collecting online applications and payments instantly along with selling online assessments, digital educational contents. provides seamless integration with your website and other systems of your Institute. Register on today.

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